5 Ways To Make The Internet Useful

Everyone knows that the internet can be one of the most powerful tools to help you get ahead in the IB. Perfect for research, finding resources & past papers and helping you with projects and assignments. Everyone also knows that the internet can be the one thing that ends up ruining your IB score. Here we look at 5 ways to make the internet more useful and less destructive.

The Internet – an IB curse?

IB Students on social media get less studying done

Social media is the number one cause of distraction and distraction is the number one cause of failure. If you want to be successful you have to figure out what your goals are and then you have to fight against all the time wasting, weakness and fear that stop you from getting there. Unfortunately, the number one cause of time wasting is Facebook – SO if you want to reach your goals it’s time to say bye-bye to having an endless stream of distraction.

YOUR BRAIN is built for Facebook. Or maybe Facebook is built for your brain. It doesn’t really matter. The point is, that as human beings we have evolved over millions of years to be highly pro-social. For example, all humans everywhere like to spread news and gossip.

Gossip due to our pro-social behaviour - note: not discussing the Extended Essay here

This is good because it tells us who is sick, who is strong and who would be a good person to make our partners. It’s fine in real life because we only have a limited amount of time for chatting with friends. But take this online and we’re encouraged to ALWAYS be chatting.

This is the reason that Whatsapp is worth 16 BILLION DOLLARS! Because your brain is hard-wired to get addicted to it. ARE YOU AN ADDICT of social media? If you aren’t sure let me ask you a question do you have and of the following: Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Twitter, Vine etc. etc.

If no – you’re not an addict, gold star, 7 points, move along.

If yes – Do those sites ever bring you long-term value? Do you really use them to stay in contact and have deep meaningful conversations with your friends in Australia? No? Is it more cat videos, GIFs, and endless scrolling through other people’s boring lives?

If you’re a social media addict, your chances of success are dying. We can’t have that. Drop Facebook.


Procrastination in the IB diploma programme can cause slight problems

When I had my Extended Essay due I stayed awake for 16 hours playing Zombie Highway (iOS) and became the World Champion at that game IN ONE NIGHT. We all procrastinate.

Here’s the secret of getting successful: start planning how. If you don’t plan your procrastination you get swept up in watching “top ten pranks gone wrong” videos, and Failblog and desperately trying to find out if Nicki Minaj had surgery. THAT’S NOT A GOOD LIFE PEOPLE. But it is possible to avoid this nightmare of non-sense. Start writing a list of what makes productive procrastination. This could be watching TED talks, going for a run, watching SciShow or whatever else you fancy that makes you better.

If you don’t plan your procrastination you will get lost in nonsense. If you aren’t sure what to do check out some of our Productive Procrastination resources here.


THIS MIGHT BE one of the hardest things you’ll ever do – but it will change your life for the better. Just stop using the internet. I don’t mean never use the internet (although that is an option). What I mean is sure, go download an article to help with your history coursework, then print it, then switch off your computer (or at least the WiFi).

Typical procrastiation problem for IB Students

HERE’S WHY you need to do this. If you read the above things and thought: ‘well that all sounds nice but I think it will be really tough’ – you’re right! It is really tough to avoid Facebook and YouTube and not procrastinate and all that. Working whilst connected to the internet is like trying to write a really boring essay whilst sitting in an Arcade. And all your friends are there. Looking at pictures of last night.

The problem is that it is so hard to make the internet help rather than a hindrance. As Mitchell Kapor says:

For the internet to be useful in the IB Diploma, use it wisely

So here’s the ultimate bit of internet advice: set an hour in the evening and an hour in the morning to use the web – otherwise avoid it at all costs.

Bon courage!

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